4 Apps Every Skateboarder Should Download

Practice is crucial whether you’re focusing on improving the fundamentals of an ollie or venturing into more complex tricks to master the sport of skateboarding. However, doing it all on your own might be difficult, which is where your phone can come in handy as you can even play games from Australia casinos with it.

There are numerous skateboarding applications available that can enhance your experience. Here are six applications that every skateboarder should have to practice their tricks, seek new skating spots, and connect with other skateboarders around them.


RIDERS is the best skateboarding community app available. It includes a plethora of learnable tactics, each of which is organized into three pieces (Theory, Questions, and Practice) to facilitate your learning. How-to videos, tips, and tricks from riders all around the world may be found in the Theory section. This way, if one person’s explanation does not help you, there are plenty of others who will.

If you have questions about specific tricks, go to the questions tab. Simply bring up the issue in the community, and someone will assist you. Similarly, you can level up by answering other riders’ questions, or you can just opt to indulge in some games from online gambling sites in Canada.

Under the Practice tab, you may select a time limit for learning the technique. To keep you motivated, the app will send you notifications. After completing the tutorials, you can begin practising and reporting your results. Other riders can then provide feedback to help you improve your form. So it’s like Reddit for skaters.

Check out the Feed section to practice your new tricks and see what moves other riders are doing. You can also look for a nearby skating coach and have a one-on-one instruction session for a more focused learning experience.


Loke is a community-oriented skateboarding app similar to RIDERS. Unlike RIDERS, which focuses on teaching you the hottest new tricks, Loke focuses on keeping you involved with difficulties.

These challenges are updated both monthly and weekly basis. Each challenge requires you to perform a different trick, ranging from manuals to 360-degree flips and everything in between. Many of these challenges are sponsored, and you can win prizes like new skateboards, headphones, and skating apparel.

You will also have the opportunity to view the finest submissions for each challenge. The app also has a section for finding new skating spots around you. So, if you find a wonderful new site that is relatively unknown, simply post its location with other skaters, and they will join you in the fun.


ShredSpots allows you to discover new skating spots near you. It’s another community-based app where riders can share their favourite skateboarding spots with others. ShredSpots includes a number of conventional (and odd) skating spots, ranging from designated skating plazas to random spots in different neighbourhoods.

Along with the location, the app displays the difficulties at each site. If you want to practice a flat rail trick, seek places that offer a flat rail for you to use. The app also shows you the risk of getting busted or kicked out from a particular spot, which is hilarious and useful at the same time.

And it’s not that you’re simply given the name of the place to find it yourself. ShredSpots even provides precise instructions for the place, which you can share with your pals.

Perfect Grind

So far, the majority of the applications we’ve looked at have taught skating theoretically and through videos. Perfect Grind, on the other hand, adds a unique twist to the mix by utilizing interactive gaming to teach skateboarding. The game may be played with just one finger; all it needs is a combination of swipes at the proper time to nail the tricks.

There are numerous challenges to complete, and they become harder as you continue. Consistent practice, just like in real life, is the only way to excel in Perfect Grind. There are four modes in the game: Career, Single Run, Free Skate, and Park Editor. The last two modes, however, are only available in the full version.

Nonetheless, give Perfect Grind a try the next time you have some free time. It’s a great way to pass the time, and the paid version is recommended because of the extra maps you can unlock.

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