How to Screen Record on iPhone 13: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Screen Record on iPhone 13

Are you looking for an easy way to record your iPhone 13 screen? With the latest update, iOS 15, screen recording on iPhone 13 is easier than ever. Whether you want to record a gameplay video or create a tutorial, screen recording can be an incredibly useful tool. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to screen record on iPhone 13.

Step 1: Add Screen Recording to Control Center

Before you can start screen recording, add the Screen Recording option to your Control Center. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone 13.
  2. Tap on Control Center.
  3. Select Customize Controls.
  4. Scroll down and find Screen Recording.
  5. Tap the green + icon to add Screen Recording to your Control Center.

Step 2: Open Control Center

To access Control Center on iPhone 13, swipe down from the top right corner of your screen. If you have an iPhone with a Home button, swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

Step 3: Start Screen Recording

Once you have opened Control Center, follow these steps to start screen recording:

  1. Find the Screen Recording button in Control Center. It looks like a circle with a dot inside it.
  2. Tap on the Screen Recording button.
  3. A three-second countdown will begin. After the countdown, your iPhone 13 will start recording the screen.

Step 4: Stop Screen Recording

To stop screen recording, follow these steps:

  1. Tap the red recording icon in the top left corner of your screen.
  2. Alternatively, you can swipe up from the bottom of the screen and tap the Screen Recording button again to stop recording.

Step 5: Save and Share Your Screen Recording

After you have stopped screen recording, your video will be automatically saved to your Photos app. From there, you can edit or share your screen recording.

Tips for Screen Recording on iPhone 13Tips for Screen Recording on iPhone 13

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of screen recording on your iPhone 13:

  1. Make sure you have enough storage space on your iPhone 13 to save your screen recordings.
  2. Always use the latest version of iOS to ensure maximum compatibility and stability.
  3. Try to record in a well-lit environment to get the best results.
  4. Consider using an external microphone to capture better audio quality.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I edit my screen recordings on iPhone 13?

You can edit your screen recordings using the built-in Photos app or third-party video editing apps.

How long can I screen record on iPhone 13?

You can screen record for as long as you have storage space on your iPhone 13.

Can I screen record while using an app?

Yes, you can screen record while using any app on your iPhone 13.

Does screen recording on iPhone 13 affect battery life?

Yes, screen recording can drain your iPhone 13 battery faster than normal usage.

Can I screen record with sound on iPhone 13?

Yes, you can screen record with both internal and external audio on iPhone 13.


Screen recording on iPhone 13 is a simple and useful feature that can come in handy for various purposes. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily record your iPhone 13 screen and share your recordings with others. Whether you’re a gamer, a YouTuber, or just looking to create helpful tutorials, screen recording on iPhone 13 can help you achieve your goals.

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