4 Best Apps and Websites to Train Your Musical Ear

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Identifying notes, chords, and intervals are all important skills to master as a musician, whether you’re an experienced or aspiring musician, or even a player at www.jackpot-town.com.

If you want to build your musical ear, you don’t have to sit with your instrument and try to figure it out on your own. There are numerous tools available to assist you improve your aural skills as an independent musician or as a member of a band. Here are some of the best apps and websites to develop a strong musical ear.

Perfect Ear

Perfect Ear can get you started if you’re looking for an ear training app for beginners. It includes several simple exercises for identifying chords, scales, and musical intervals. You’ll also earn points and be able to establish daily goals to help you stay motivated.

Short exercises are available under the Ear Training page to assist you increase your aural awareness. The Scale Identification page will assist you in identifying major and minor scales by listening to them first and then selecting from a list of multiple-choice options. In the Chord Identification tab, you can also learn to hear and identify musical triads, and you can try playing some games at online casinos.

If music theory is unfamiliar to you, go to the Guided Courses option to study the fundamentals of music theory. You can also learn more about the fundamentals of music theory by clicking the Theory icon beneath each exercise.

Relative Pitch

Relative Pitch is an excellent choice for training your musical ear while playing games. For note identification, relative pitch employs the solfege syllables (do, re, mi, fa, so, la, and ti). There are a total of 15 levels, which increase in difficulty. As you progress through the stages, the app presents more notes of the scale.

The exercises are straightforward: after hearing a note, press the letter related to the scale.  Every correct answer gains you more points, and your turn is over when you give an incorrect answer. If you need to hear a note again, hit the sound icon in the top-right corner.

If you’ve mastered identifying tones, the later exercises will introduce semitones for an added difficulty. Relative Pitch is a simple, entertaining tool that makes music theory more interesting.


Whatever style of musician you are, EarMaster is the ideal instrument for developing your musical ear. There are general workshops, a beginner’s course, and a vocal trainer available. There is also a jazz workshop for identifying typical jazz chord progressions.

EarMaster offers a variety of methods to respond to questions based on the instrument you like. You can play the on-screen piano, guitar, or violin, or you can sing. When detecting intervals, you can also choose which to include and omit and therefore determine the optimal musical range for you.

EarMaster is an excellent app for students preparing for music exams. The app covers curriculum from popular music exam boards, and it even contains an ABRSM-specific Aural Trainer.

Functional Ear Trainer

The Alain Benbassat ear training method is used in Functional Ear Trainer to detect tones within the context of a musical scale. The exercises are straightforward and intuitive, and they are intended for musicians of all skill levels.

In the Settings cog in the top-right of the screen, you may choose whether to input replies using a piano keyboard or interval buttons for each exercise. You can also use the Repeat button to hear the notes again before responding.

In addition to the basic levels, you can create and save custom levels in which the structure of the workouts can be changed. You can omit specific tones, define a musical range, and choose whether to hear a cadence at the start for a little extra guidance.

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